
Kazuko Kano

Instructor of Japanese Language and Calligraphy



Seichou Instructor Kazuko Kano is a native of Tottori, Japan. A master Japanese calligraphic artist, since 1982, Ms. Kano has been a member of the Japan Calligraphy Education Foundation (JCEF), a national organization in Japan that ranks both amateur and professional calligraphers, issues licenses to calligraphy teachers, holds national competitions, and supports the dissemination of the art of calligraphy worldwide. Ms. Kano has won numerous calligraphy awards from JCEF. She holds a B.A. in literature from Kobe Women's University, an M.A. in videographic arts from American University, a high school teaching license from the Japanese government, and is licensed by the U.S. Japanese Calligraphy Federation to assess and award promotion certificates to students who meet standard requirements. She speaks native Japanese and English.

Kiemi Langlois-Watabe

Instructor of Japanese Language and Abacus



A native of Mie, Japan, Seichou Instructor Kiemi Watabe Langlois is a Japanese abacus expert and holds licenses to teach middle and high school from the Japanese government. A native of Mie, Japan, she is also a classically trained professional pianist and piano instructor with a BA from the Musashino Music Conservatory in Tokyo. Ms. Langlois has taught students of all ages. She speaks native Japanese and English.

お問い合わせ/Contact Us

Seichou Juku

807 North Royal Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Tel. 571.257.5401



加納和子 - Kazuko Kano

ラングロワ渡部貴恵美 -

Kiemi Langlois-Watabe



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